Freedom Camping

New Zealand’s Freedom Camping Laws

The New Zealand Government passed a law in August 2011 that enables local councils to issue infringement notices to campers that camp in prohibited areas; camp without containment facilities where camping is restricted to those with approved facilities; littering; and leaving human waste.

Council officers will now issue an on-the-spot fine to the vehicle — therefore we strongly encourage our customers to follow the simple, common sense freedom camping guidelines.

Freedom Camping

Camper vans need to be certified for freedom camping, as proof they carry the green or blue sticker and a
certification on the windscreen.

The Standard requires sanitary and safe installation of the following:

1. Fresh water supply: 4L per person per day (i.e. minimum 12L per person)
2. A sink
3. Toilet: 1L per person per day (i.e. minimum 3L net holding tank capacity per person)

NEW: the toilet needs to be accessible at all times with sufficient head and shoulder room – even when the bed is made up

4. Holding tank: 4L per person per day (i.e. minimum 12L per person )
and monitored if capacity is less than the fresh water tank
5. An evacuation hose
6. A seal able refuse container (with lid)

fuers freedom camping reicht aus wenn der van die folgenden parameter erfuellt, er muss:
-12l wasser pro person mitfuehren, eine spuele sowie einen mindestens gleich grossen abwassertank haben
– es muss mindestens eine camping toilette an board sein ( porta potty) diese muss auch mit aufgebautem bett nutzbar sein
– ein abfalleimer mit deckel muss dabei sein und ein schlauch zum entleerend de abwassertanks
Somit erfuellen auch vans ohne dusche und wc diese anforderungen und koennen certifiziert fuers freedom camping sein.

It’s unfortunate that, because New Zealand is such a great place to visit, the increasing number of visitors meant that more people were not respecting and caring for the country’s pristine natural areas.